Leather Coat Daydreams

Stories about ladies in leather coats

The Cameo of Aveline

Spellbound with a Kiss


Lady out of Time stories

Thursday, April 7, 2016

She must have caught a chill in the cold air outside

From 2001: Earlier this week I went to the city mall for my lunch break. I got in line to be seated at a nice restaurant. In front of me stood three women that apparently worked at one of the downtown offices. All three of them were dressed nice. The most attractive woman of the group was a young lady with shoulder length blond hair, enclosed in a long, black leather coat. She was tall but her smooth leather coat still fell just above her ankles.  Although we were inside, she still had all three coat buttons fastened tightly, which tugged the soft leather into glossy ripples over her curvaceous body. 

She was facing me as she chatted with her friends so I got to take in the site of her. Her purse hung from her wrist. Her leather coat had button tabs on each cuff. When she adjusted the purse strap on her arm it caught under the button, pulling that side of the soft leather sleeve halfway up her forearm and showing the cuff of her silk blouse. Her leather coat was made of that extremely soft kind of leather that doesn't always seem to make much noise, even when it rubs against itself. I listened closely. Her leather coat creaked very quietly as she hugged her arms around herself. The squeaking sound was so subtle, though, that I wondered if I didn't just imagine it among the background noise in my eagerness to hear that wonderful noise.

The whole time we waited the lady never unbuttoned
her coat. She must have caught a chill in the cold air outside. Then, after about five minutes the ladies were taken to a table. The sunlight filtering through the windows struck highlights off the shifting leather back of the woman's coat. Her coat had a short walking vent that parted back and forth as she walked away. I was unable to see where the women were seated. I watched for the leather lady to reappear as I ate, but I didn't see her again. What a pleasant site she was!

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