Leather Coat Daydreams

Stories about ladies in leather coats

The Cameo of Aveline

Spellbound with a Kiss


Lady out of Time stories

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Happy Holidays!

Greetings to all who follow this blog.  I hope your holiday season has been full of friendship, cheer, love... and perhaps lit by a shining lady in bundled up in a leather coat.

This blog page is still alive.  Time does not allow me to be as active in my postings, but I assure you there is more to come.  I am always writing and hope to post some stories in the coming year.  Photographic material is relatively scarce as the classic long leather coat remains largely removed from the mainstream of women's fashion.  But, there are hints of it still, as I have posted in recent months, and perhaps it will flourish again.  Regardless, never fear that I have lost interest in the subject of this blog.  The lady in the leather coat will always be in my mind and inspire my creativity.

Happiest New Year to you all.