Leather Coat Daydreams

Stories about ladies in leather coats

The Cameo of Aveline

Spellbound with a Kiss


Lady out of Time stories

Sunday, July 14, 2019

A nice story about a woman who loves her leather coat

'Then, she brought out a beautiful black leather trenchcoat and gave it to me.

“I know you have been looking for one like this,” she said, and then the tears came.

She told me she’d gotten the coat when she was a student and that the coat was older than I was. Like everything she took care of in her life, she also took meticulous care of that coat. I’m guessing it dates to the late 1960s or early 1970s, but you wouldn’t know that to look at it. The leather is soft, supple and gloss black.

I wore her coat that fall, and I’ve worn it every year since. The coat is more than forty years old now and still as beautiful as ever, as I’ve lovingly conditioned the leather every season. Every year when fall rolls around, I take the coat out of the closet and I think of her.'

Read the rest of the story at:


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