Leather Coat Daydreams

Stories about ladies in leather coats

The Cameo of Aveline

Spellbound with a Kiss


Lady out of Time stories

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Leather Poinsettia

So this picture may not look terribly special - a woman in a long leather coat buying flowers at an outdoor stand.  However, it gives me more joy to post it than viewers may guess.  I posted this in the original Leather Coat Daydreams blog years ago.  Many of the photos from that blog vanished from the Internet when I deleted the group in 2012.  Then in 2015 my computer crashed.  We were able to recover the vast majority of the files, but a few were lost.  I thought that this photo, which I really like for some reason, was among the files that vanished into oblivion.  Nevertheless, I have searched for it among my backup discs these past five years, clinging to the hope that I might rediscover the obscure folder it was hidden in.  And two weeks ago, much to my excitement, I stumbled upon the file containing this photo and several others that I had forgotten about!  It is my pleasure to share it once more.


  1. What a wonderful picture and a nice surprise! I hope you'll share more with us.

  2. I am still looking forward to read your new story, Cuirbouilli! When would you update the stories of Maxi Coates? I am hoping to see storylines that include more rain-splashing, scratching and scraping of Maxi's exquisite leather garments.
