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Requiem for the Belle Epoque

So who is this guy who posts an entire blog about women wearing long leather coats? Find out in the following memoir... I contently g...

Reunion with the Impossible Dream

Reunion with the Impossible Dream

By Cuirbouilli

Josh walked out of Victoria’s Secret empty-handed.  He didn’t know why he went in there in the first place.  He had no idea what he was looking for and it was extremely unlikely to be found among racks of overpriced lingerie.

It was a chilly Friday night in the middle of December 2007.  There were only twelve more shopping days before Christmas and Josh still hadn’t bought anything for his wife Sharon.  She was the only person he had to buy for and, as usual, he didn’t know what to get her. 

One would think that he had the easier end of the deal.  His wife did all the Christmas shopping for their kids, family, and friends.  She usually got him some electronic device or power tool he would like.  

Shopping for Sharon should have been simple.  They did well financially so money wasn’t an issue.  He would gladly buy her whatever she asked for.  The problem was that she would never tell him something she wanted.

She always said something like, “I don’t need anything.”  

He made no claim at understanding women, but he definitely knew better than that!

It was the same scenario every year.  Josh wandered from store to store at every mall in town hoping for inspiration to appear on a shelf somewhere.  Almost invariably he ended up at the jewelry counter at Macy’s, but he hoped to be more creative this year.

Josh drove straight to the upscale outdoor mall on the other side of town when he got off work that evening.  Sharon and the kids were visiting with her mother to bake Christmas cookies for a couple hours, so he had an opportunity to go shopping without being too obvious about it.    

He had been at the mall about thirty minutes.  Apparently everybody else in town was out shopping also.  It took him ten minutes just to find a parking place. 

Marketing for the holiday season was at its peak.  Christmas music played everywhere.  There were twinkling lights strung between old-fashioned lamp posts and brightly decorated Christmas trees in every store window.  A group of carolers sang on one street corner, their breaths visible in the cold air. 

Unfortunately the festive surroundings failed to inspire him in his daunting quest so far.
He dodged an oncoming group of people by skirting along the inside of the crowded sidewalk and was wondering which store to try next when a glass door swung open right in front of him!

He halted in his tracks, rising onto his tiptoes to keep from smacking into the door.

Two skinny young girls in tight jeans, short pastel parkas, and knit caps walked out of Tim Hortons with paper coffee cups in their hands, completely oblivious to his presence.
He caught the door handle as he lowered back onto his heels.  

An enticing aroma escaped from the shop.  He hadn’t eaten supper yet, but he wasn’t terribly hungry either.  Something warm to drink sounded good, though.  Maybe a hot cup of coffee would help sooth his frustration.  

He could never guess the incredibly memorable treat that awaited him as he went inside.

The door thumped shut behind him with a gust of cold air.  

Not surprisingly the place was crowded.  Tim Hortons was always packed.  It was a good thing that he planned on taking his coffee with him while he shopped because there weren’t any tables open.  

He approached the counter.  At a glance it looked like there was five or six people ahead of him.  The exact number became totally irrelevant to him once he spotted the last person in line.

Standing directly in front of him was a statuesque woman in a full-length black leather coat!

She had thick platinum blonde hair cut in a chic bob.  Her neatly layered tresses fell just above her shoulders, curving under at the ends.  Her coat was made of black lambskin leather that was so smooth-grained it gleamed with a liquid shine under the fluorescent lights.  

The woman held a cell phone to her right ear.  Shiny black leather gloves encased her hands with a sleek finish to match the expensive device she grasped.  A row of three buttons glistened on her leather coat sleeve.  The buttoned cuff of a white shirt extended slightly beyond the sleeve and crinkled where the edge of her glove overlapped it just above her wrist.

Her voluminous hair obscured her eyes at a profile, but he could see the tip of her nose and her red lips swiftly articulating.

Blonde hair, red lipstick, and head-to-toe black leather!  Wow!

His wits were too dazzled by the sight of her to initially comprehend any of the conversation she was carrying on even though he could hear her plainly.  Her feminine voice resonated with a sort of nasal pitch that made her sound intelligent, but did nothing to detract from its sexy quality.

His excitement increased as he realized there was something pleasantly familiar about her voice that struck a forgotten chord in his mind.

He casually eavesdropped on her for a few seconds.

“I know!  I have an appointment at Charles Penzone on Monday.  I got in with Ingrid.  Yeah!  She always does a fabulous job with my hair.  No.  I’m not getting any length taken off.  I just need some layering and highlights done before we go out for New Year’s Eve,” she said.

Go figure.  The hot blonde was talking about going to a salon to get her hair done.

He definitely knew her voice, but he couldn’t place where he might know her from.  If he ever met a girl like her before she was certainly not one he would easily forget!  He daydreamed about a woman like her every day of his life!

Whether he was ever acquainted with the woman or not, her sophisticated fashion sense would catch his attention anywhere.  From what he could see along her side and back she looked like a fashion model in one of those clothing catalogs his wife got in the mail.

The collar of a crisp white poplin shirt stuck out prominently from her notched coat lapels, open at the top two buttons and hovering elegantly about her throat.  The front of her buttoned leather coat rose in gleaming creases over her perky breasts.  A tie belt flattered her slim hourglass waist.  Her firm butt molded a shapely round bump in the shiny leather.

She held her left arm flexed toward herself, the glossy tapered fingers of her gloved hand absently pinching the top button of her coat as she talked.  A burgundy patent leather purse was hooked on her elbow.  Her weight was shifted onto her curvy left hip, drawing the long skirt of her coat into ripples draped to that side.  Lustrous lambskin sheathed her to the lower part of her calves. 

Dressy black leather boots finished her sleek outfit perfectly.  They were mostly covered by the hem of her coat so he couldn’t see how tall they were, but he bet they were knee high.  Her left foot was planted on the tile floor, arched elegantly on a stacked three-and-a-half inch heel, and the pointed toe of her right boot was extended outward.

The woman was completely dressed, but couldn’t look more provocative to him!  

If only he could convince his wife to dress the same way it would certainly add some excitement back into their marriage!

Yeah.  He would just keep dreaming.

His wife’s wardrobe might be described as conservative, plain, or perhaps practical.  Turtlenecks, fuzzy sweaters, and mom jeans made up the majority of her outfits.  She only wore a skirt and blouse on very special occasions and he was pretty sure that she only owned one pair of high heels.  Her idea of winter footwear was Duck Boots.  She would undoubtedly say the woman in the leather coat was showing off in extravagant clothes and accuse her of being being stuck up.  She would also astutely point out how a hooded parka or a wool coat would be much warmer to wear in such cold weather.

He would agree that the blonde woman’s outfit was dressy, but she definitely wasn’t overdressed for shopping at a mall by any means.  A white button-down shirt and black leather jacket were common casual dress attire for women and men both. 

Josh really liked the way women looked in leather clothes; especially leather coats.  He didn’t know why, but he was turned on by ladies in leather coats for as long as he could remember.  Nothing was hotter to him than a full-length leather maxi-coat on an attractive woman.  Seeing ladies wearing leather coats and jackets in public was the only way he enjoyed his passion in real life because he never dared to share it with his wife.  There was no point in confessing to her that he had a fetish.  She wouldn’t understand and she would never cooperate if he asked her to dress in leather.

He bought his wife a black leather two-button blazer for her birthday shortly after they married as a test to see if she would wear leather on her own.  It fit her perfectly and she looked great in it, but she was visibly embarrassed and uncomfortable the entire time she tried it on.  She quickly took it off and kept it hanging in the closet only because it was a gift from him.  To the best of his knowledge she had worn the leather blazer only once to a Halloween party as part of a “police detective” costume and that was it.  Based on this experience he accepted that leather was far too daring and risque of a fashion statement for his wife and she was unwilling to wear it.   

Thus, being with a woman like the one in front of him would just remain an impossible dream never to be realized.

He sighed longingly.

What his wife would never understand was that it was not simply what the woman wore that made her so attractive.  It wasn’t just the slick leather coat, gloves, and boots.  It was her choosing to wear them.  It was how she wore them.  Her attitude made the look as much as the leather itself.  

He hadn’t even seen her face yet, but he knew the woman had to be a knockout.  Everything about her screamed confidence at a single glance and that was instantly sexy to him.  Of course her spectacular, slinky body probably helped his impression of her a little too. 

Activity at the head of the line interrupted his contemplation.  The person being served at the counter walked away with their order.  The line creeped one step forward.

It was going to take a while to get a cup of coffee, but for once he didn’t mind the wait.  After all, the view was quite pleasant from where he was standing.

He grinned to himself.

The woman noticed the space open in front of her.  Two paper shopping bags stood beside her right foot; a navy blue one from Brooks Brothers and a charcoal gray one from Neiman Marcus.

Quickly switching her phone to her left hand, she crouched slightly to snatch up the handles of both bags in her right hand.  The back vent of her coat parted around her lower legs as she gracefully bent, revealing that her boots did encase her long legs to the knee.  Her movement also produced a sharp leathery squeak that was audible above the noise of the crowded room. 

The sound caught his attention immediately.  In any other situation the noise wouldn’t register to him, but coming from a woman in leather it was music to his ears.

He was surprised.  He didn’t expect to hear her leather coat creak in the bustling room.  The noise made by such soft-appearing leather was usually too subtle to appreciate except in quiet surroundings.  

He listened carefully.  He heard the tense squeaking again as she straightened.  

It wasn’t just her coat.  It was the purse dangling on her arm.  The delightful sound came from the patent leather straps rubbing against her leather sleeve.  

She stepped forward, holding her bags at her side.  The leather soles of her boots tapped lightly on the tile floor, one after the other.

He followed.  His footfalls were silent on the rubber soles of his scuffed black leather dress shoes.

The woman’s voice changed pitch.

“I can’t wait to see you either!  Bye!” she exclaimed cheerfully as she finished her conversation.

She ended her call, pressing the button on her phone with the tip of her leather thumb.  

Neatly placing her shopping bags on the ground once more, she slipped her phone inside her purse.  Her simple activity was accompanied by a continuous crackling of leather that ceased only when she settled her purse comfortably on her arm again.  

His mouth went dry just listening to her.  

He cleared his throat, unintentionally alerting her to his presence.

She glanced in his direction just long enough to note that a person indeed stood behind her.  

Wow!  Her face was extremely beautiful despite the fact that her expression remained cold and aloof as she regarded him.

He met her gaze directly.  He used to be shy around women when he was a kid.  When he got a little older he learned there really was no reason to be.  A little bit of aggressiveness went a long way in meeting women.

Her big blue eyes glittered and her glossy red lips glistened as she quickly turned toward the counter again.

His heart skipped a beat!  And not just because she was so good looking!  He did know her!  He was long acquainted with this gorgeous woman!  She apparently did not recognize him, but he would know her unforgettable face anywhere!  She had barely changed in almost twenty years! 

Seeing her hit him with an uncontrollable wave of excitement.

“Carrie!” he blurted aloud, patting her enthusiastically on her liquid leather sleeve.

“Excuse me?” she responded in a snappy tone.  

The collar of her black leather coat touched her cheek about a finger’s width below her parted red lips as she looked over her shoulder at him again.  Her eyes widened with surprise and then narrowed as she scrutinized him with an arresting stare.

Wow!  She was so hot!  She looked like a Bond girl!

“You’re Carrie Feltz from Sycamore Hills High School class of ’92, right?” he verified.

It had to be her.  She barely looked a day older than the last time he saw her.

“Yes,” she answered with uncertainty.

She brushed her parted hair back from her face with a shiny gloved hand.  

“It’s me!  Josh!  Josh Schneider!” he told her.

“Josh Schneider?” she repeated slowly for a moment, brows knitted.

A long line of buttons flashed on the single-breasted placket of her glossy coat as she turned toward him.

Surely she could recognize him.  His thin build was filled out with about twenty extra pounds that didn’t alter his appearance at all.  Aside from his mustache and goatee he didn’t really look much different than he did in high school.

Suddenly her eyes widened again with realization.

“Oh my god!  Josh Schneider!” she exclaimed with polite enthusiasm.


It was clear that their reunion did not impact her with the same degree of excitement pounding in his chest, but at least she recognized him.  

“Do you remember me?” he asked, trying not to sound too skeptical.

He actually wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t recall him at all.  He was a total wallflower when he was a teenager.

“Yes!  Of course I remember you,” she assured him, her voice wavered ever so slightly as she composed herself with an appropriately becoming response.

“You were like one of the smartest guys in our class!  How could I forget you?” she proclaimed thoughtfully.

So much for feeling cool.  She remembered him for being a nerd.  Oh well.  It was better than nothing he supposed.  Besides, he still was a nerd.

It took her only an instant to collect herself.  Then her charisma switched on full blast, much to his memorable gratification.

Her face brightened with a smile so dazzling it made his heart skip another beat.  She flung her right arm out and stepped toward him with clip-clopping heels.  She placed her hand on his bicep and leaned into a friendly but impersonal half-hug, turning her face away from him.

Stunned to suddenly be embracing the beautiful woman in leather, he bent forward stiffly.  He thought that she might shake his hand demurely, if anything.  He didn’t expect to get a hug from her, but he was more than happy to accept it!

His right shoulder tapped hers gently for a split-second.  Her silky blonde hair brushed against his cheek.  A delicate whiff of sweet-smelling perfume teased his nostrils.  At such close proximity he distinctly heard her leather coat creak luxuriously as she moved. 

He placed his hand on her back and patted her awkwardly.  The slick surface of her leather coat splatted liked cool butter beneath his fingers, still retaining the chill of the cold air outside.  His fingers tingled as they sank into the supple lambskin and came in contact with her lithe figure.  Her sizzling hot body was exhilarating to touch even through layers of clothing!

It occurred to him that he had probably never actually touched her before.

She gave his arm a gentle squeeze and then withdrew from him swiftly, her leather coat swishing sumptuously as they parted.

“Oh my god!” she exclaimed again.  

“How are you Josh?”

She was obviously used to interacting with people.  She was greeting him with the much-practiced charm that she undoubtedly welcomed clients with.  He and Carrie didn’t know each that well even when they were to school together, but she made him feel like a dear old friend.   

“I... I’m doing well!” he stuttered stupidly.  

He was sure that he was gawking at her like an idiot.  His senses were still reeling at the incredible sight, sound, scent, and feel of her.

Wow!  Carrie Feltz!  

He hadn’t seen her since high school graduation!  The years had been very good to her.  She looked amazing!  Not that he was surprised.  After all, he remembered Carrie Feltz primarily because she was the cutest girl in his high school class of five-hundred students.

Josh wasn’t sure if he could say when he ever actually met Carrie.  They were around each other mostly because they were in many of the same classes together.  However, he remembered the first time he saw her very well.  It was in chemistry class in tenth grade.  It was 1989 and she had big hair with huge bangs like all the other girls back then.  She wore a hot pink shirt with a popped collar and faded jeans that day. 

From the moment he laid eyes on Carrie he thought she was the prettiest girl in school; if not the prettiest girl he had ever seen.  Her happy eyes and huge smile used to make his heart race with the same nervous excitement he felt now.

Carrie always seemed like a nice girl back then.  He didn’t know anything personal about her was because he barely spoke a word to her; something he regretted ever since.  She was smart and got good grades, but she definitely wasn’t a nerd.  She was accepted by the popular clique, but she didn’t behave like a snob.  She was better looking than any of the cheerleaders in his opinion, but she never acted conceited.  Her family had money, but she didn’t dress too fancy or drive an overly-expensive car.  In hindsight one might say that she was mature enough at a young age to actually be “cool”.

Being really cute probably helped, but everyone liked her.  She was voted president of student council.  Josh always joked to his buddies that her great legs got her elected.  She was also homecoming queen their senior year. 

Josh didn’t go to homecoming, or prom for that matter.  He had no date and no car, so dances weren’t much of an option for him.  His experience with those events was limited to looking at the pictures posted in the school lobby and yearbook photos.  He vividly remembered drooling over the black and white picture of Carrie in the homecoming court wearing a long gown that sparkled with sequins.  She had an incredible body back then and from what he could tell in her leather coat she apparently only got better with age. 
“And how about yourself?  How has life been treating you?” he asked her, although the question seemed glaringly rhetorical to him.  
“Fabulous!  Yeah!  Life is good!” she proclaimed, tossing her hair with a cock of her head.

He took in the sight of her, struggling not to gape outright.  

Time had certainly treated Carrie kindly.  Either he had forgotten just how pretty she was, or she had grown more beautiful than he remembered.

Her face was oval with a smooth, high brow and a fine, chiseled jawline.  Framed within her glamorously side-parted hair, her features were striking with the sharp angularity of her German ancestry.  Her cheekbones were defined with the lean aspect that full-grown womanhood imparted to some women in their thirties.  Needless to say, maturity suited her extremely well.  Her complexion was flawless with no wrinkles or blemishes, no sagging skin, and no bags under her eyes.  Carrie was his age which meant she was thirty-five or maybe even thirty-six, but she could easily pass for twenty-nine.  

The warm sun-kissed hue of her fair complexion hinted at vacations in warmer climates.  There was a wholesome glow in the apples of her cheeks that also suggested a healthy lifestyle.  He wouldn’t be surprised if frequent spa treatments had something to do with her youthful radiance as well.    

Her vivacious blue eyes were shaped like half-moons and rimmed by long, thick lashes.  Her nose was actually somewhat large, but inconspicuous because of its straight regularity and small nostrils.  Her lips were plump and carefully painted luscious red that immediately attracted his eye.  Her megawatt smile was just as huge and electrifying as he remembered, revealing most of her perfect white teeth.

“Well you certainly look great!” he complimented her, continuing to stammer for words.

Actually, gorgeous would have been a better word for her, but he didn’t want to embarrass her.

“I knew who you were right away because you still look the same as you did in high school!” he flattered her further.

“Aww!  That’s so sweet of you to say!  Thank you!” she responded in the mechanical way cute girls do, eyebrows raised with seemingly heartfelt modesty.  

The collar of her white blouse fluttered as she pressed her gloved right hand over her breast.

Something in the singsong tone of her voice told him that she was used to hearing how good she looked.  The smug pursing of her lips and the knowing gleam in her eyes suggested that she was proud of it too.

She inhaled as she lowered her right hand, puffing her chest out so that her bosom stood out more roundly in her glossy coat.  He would have sworn he could hear her leather creaking tightly.  Her hand caressed her flat stomach, tapered fingers plucking at the buttons there.

He had little doubt that she spent the last eighteen years of her life constantly being admired for her beauty.  Men probably hit on her everywhere she went every day of the week.  Surely her ego had inflated a bit as a result of it.  

Even if she wasn’t inherently vain from a young age, was it possible for such an attractive woman to remain modest her whole life?  She had to be vividly aware that she was hot. 
“You look great too!” she reciprocated, just a split-second enough off cue to make him question her sincerity.

“Thanks,” he grinned regardless.
Josh looked decent for a guy in his mid-thirties.  He was thin and wiry.  His sandy blonde hair was always a couple weeks overdue for a trim along with his mustache and beard.  He dressed with no concern for being stylish.  He wore a dress shirt, tie, and nice pants on workdays because it was mandatory, but he was most comfortable in an old sweater or T-shirt and jeans on his days off.  

He hadn’t changed out of his work clothes yet.  A gray wool hip-length jacket was zipped up about two-thirds of the way, showing the blue shirt and burgundy tie at his throat.  He actually looked about the best he ever did at that very moment.  Nobody was ever going to accuse him of being hot, though, and he knew it.
“So what have you done since high school?” she asked him, moving the conversation onward.
“Are you a nuclear physicist or a rocket scientist?”

There was a hint of friendly sarcasm in her voice, but her question was entirely serious.  She was trying to be nice by flattering his intelligence.  His brains were something she could genuinely compliment.

“I’m an engineer,” he shrugged.  

“I got a PhD in chemical engineering at UPenn back in 2000.”

“A PhD!  Wow.  I’m not surprised,” she said, waving her gloved right hand at him with a limp wrist.

“Where do you work?” she asked.

“I’ve been at DuPont for the past seven years,” he explained.

He briefly described what he did for a living, studying the details of her captivating outfit as he spoke.  He tried to be as nonchalant as possible, but it was really hard not to stare now that he had a full view of her.

From head to toe her look was utterly sophisticated.  For some reason a posh, buttoned-up woman was immediately and infinitely attractive to him.   

Her svelte figure looked absolutely stunning in her shiny black leather coat!  He had no doubt that the coat was extremely expensive and decadently luxurious for her to wear.  It was tailored with princess seams and fit her close enough to flaunt the fabulous physique it enclosed, its glossy surface highlighting her slender curves.  The structured shoulders of her coat complemented her delicate build with just the perfect amount of width to make her look more imposing.

The notched collar flipped up around her neck supercharged her style with wicked sex appeal.  The very edge of the collar was purposely rolled under along the back causing the pointed ends to splay broadly on each side.  The blatant vanity of her leaving it that way drove him absolutely wild! 

The collar of the pristine white blouse hovering so crisp about her throat with buttons glistening indicated that she was a smart, tasteful professional.  It was a basic wardrobe item, but somehow the immaculate simplicity of a classic white shirt was very fresh and feminine to him when worn by an attractive woman.  An elegant braided silver necklace with a sapphire pendant glittered inside her blouse with matching earrings that accentuated the brilliant blue color of her eyes.  
Her coat was sealed shut from her chest to fingertip level by five highly-polished black buttons.  The top button was centered between the gleaming fullness of her breasts.  The tie belt was knotted between the second and third buttons and gathered the leather into supple creases along her narrow waist.  The fourth and fifth buttons tugged the leather into ripples over her thighs.  The coat tapered around her long legs, reaching about three or four inches above her ankles.  Flowing flaps parted just enough to reveal that the tops of her leather boots were covered by the hem of a shiny black leather midi skirt that reached just below her knees.  

A leather skirt inside of her leather coat!  Wow!  Her outfit could not be more sexy to him!

She looked over her shoulder as the line moved again.  

His breath caught in his throat as her chin brushed against the slick collar of her coat.

“Well!  It sounds like your job sure keeps you busy,” she commented politely, turning toward him again.

She continued to face him as she gracefully bent at her knees to pick up her shopping bags.

“Yeah.  It’s OK.  It pays the bills,” he nodded.

Her purse crackled against her leather coat once more as she straightened and her heels tapped lightly on the tile floor as she stepped into the open space beside her.  

He followed and leaned casually against the counter with his left hand.

“So how long have you been married?” she asked, observing the wedding band on his finger. 

Women always noticed that sort of thing immediately.  He hadn’t even thought to look for a wedding ring on her finger, not that he could see it since she still had her gloves on.  

“My wife and I have been married for six years now,” he said without elaborating.

“Come on!  Spill!  Give me some details!  What’s her name and how did you meet?” she encouraged him with a bubbly tone.

Her eyes formed the same happy crescents he recalled when she smiled.  

“Her name is Sharon and we met in college.  She has a master’s degree in education and teaches at West High School,” he expounded.

“Any kids?” she probed.

“Two.  A five-year-old boy and a three-year-old girl.”

“Aww!  Good for you!  I bet you’re a good father!”

“I try,” he shrugged.  

There was a momentary pause.

“But, how about you, Carrie?  I seem to remember someone saying you were a college football cheerleader,” he recollected.

“Yes I was!” she answered proudly.

“What school did you go to?” he asked.

“I got a marketing degree at Miami University,” she replied.

“Ah.  Yes,” he nodded.

Of course she went to Miami.  The place was near legendary for its gorgeous women.  He never met a girl who graduated from there who wasn’t cute.   

“And then I heard somewhere along the grapevine that you were working for some high-profile investment firm in New York.”

“Oh.  Yeah.  One of my sorority sisters had a connection with a company in Manhattan and landed me a job there as the public relations manager.  I don’t know about it being high-profile though,” she chuckled, plucking at the collar of her white blouse and averting her eyes modestly.

“Especially since that corporation ended up going bankrupt about four years ago.”

“Really?  Wow.  That’s too bad,” he said, trying not to sound too eager to get some gossip.

“Yeah.  The CEO made some really bad decisions.  I saw it coming, though, and resigned about a year before it happened.  They treated me well while I was with them, but there was no way I was going let myself go down with that sinking ship,” she continued.

He could picture her being shrewd like that.

“So I switched careers.  That’s how I ended up here.”

“What do you do now?” he asked.

“I’m a sales rep for Pfizer,” she proclaimed.

“The pharmaceutical company?” he clarified.

Her blonde hair bounced as she nodded.

“No way!  That’s cool,” he reacted.

One of Josh’s best friends from high school was an family practice doctor.  Back when they were both single his friend used to rave about all the hot drug reps that would stop in the office to promote medications.  From what his friend told him there was an unwritten rule that women drug reps must be extremely good-looking to even apply for the job.  He invariably described them as smoking-hot babes who presented their products in tight suits and high heels.  Getting a date with one of them was like achieving the Holy Grail.  Cocky surgeons were usually the only ones who succeeded.  Mere family medicine docs like his buddy never stood a chance, but he enjoyed the flirting.

Carrie certainly fit the drug rep criteria to a tee.  He pictured her cruising to hospitals and offices across town in a Lexus.  If she strutted into his office looking like she did right now she could probably sell him just about anything!

“So you go to doctor’s offices and present medications?”

“Yeah.  I’m on the road a lot, but not as much as I used to be.  I spend more time in the office since I got promoted to district manager six months ago,” she said.

“What medications do you sell?” he asked.

“The main ones are Celebrex, Lipitor, and Viagra,” she listed.

“No kidding,” he replied.

The idea of a beautiful woman like Carrie presenting Viagra struck him as an oxymoron.  There was no way on Earth that he could talk to her about erectile dysfunction without being totally embarrassed.  Besides the problem would be completely irrelevant if he was in her presence as the warm tingling in his groin reminded him at that very instant.

He cleared his voice and shifted his weight.   

“So do you like being a drug rep?”

“Yes I do, actually.  My schedule isn’t bad at all, I have weekends off, and I make good money,” she explained.

“You have to be good in front of people, though, which can be stressful sometimes.”

“Are the docs difficult to deal with?” he questioned.

“Oh, most of the docs I call on are pretty cool.  But, some of them do try to give me a hard time.  Like this one cardiologist I called on today.  He loves to put me on the spot and he likes to argue.  I always make sure I prepare a little extra and I wear my most intimidating outfits on the days I go to his office.”

She glanced down at herself and gave the flipped collar of her leather coat a little tug.  Her hand traced down the front placket, her fingers flickering over each button.

Intimidating perhaps, but also dead sexy and totally captivating!

“That's why I'm all vamped up today… in case you were wondering.  I don't dress in head-to-toe black leather with red lipstick every day.  This is kind of like my power suit,” she explained, much to his infinite stimulation.

The coquettish smile that played in the corners of her lips made him question her statement.  Was she teasing him?  Could she tell how much of a turn-on her leather outfit was for him?  For any man?  

He just nodded and chuckled as nonchalantly as possible as he repressed the throbbing excitement in his brain.  He stuck his hands in his pockets as he became aware of the involuntary stiffness in his pants. 

She cranked the joystick even more.

“Honestly, I think there must be some kind of animal thing with men and leather,” she observed pertly.  

Josh listened to her; mesmerized.

“A cute young intern was staring at me so hard this morning he knocked his coffee mug off his desk!  I felt bad that he was embarrassed, but I couldn’t help but laugh.”

Whether she was bragging or just making a point he didn’t doubt her words.

“Well, that coat does look amazing on you, that’s for sure!” Josh blurted.

“Oh, thank you!” she chirped, tossing her hair again.  

“I mean... you really don’t see women wearing long leather coats as much as you used to,” he added, trying to tone down his enthusiasm for her.

“Enzo bought me this coat for Christmas three years ago.  I think he spent more money on it than he should have because it’s really nice.  The leather is so supple it feels like butter!  It’s by far the most luxurious coat I’ve ever owned,” she explained.

Josh’s mouth went completely dry.

“At first I wasn’t sure if I was going to like wearing a leather maxi coat or not.  I’ve worn lots of leather jackets, but never a full-length coat before this one.  For some reason I thought it might be too extreme or too dramatic for people.  I was wrong, though, because I get nothing but compliments whenever I wear this coat!  It really has become a guilty pleasure of mine!”

No doubt about that!

He cleared his throat nervously as the line moved again.  

“So who is… Izzo?” he asked, purposely changing the subject to something less provocative.
Enzo is short for Lorenzo and he is my husband.  He’s full-blood Italian; tall, dark, and handsome,” she explained, swooning playfully.

“I met him at a presentation dinner I hosted.  We dated for almost three years before he proposed to me on a bridge in Venice.”  

Leather squelched as she placed her bags on the floor again.  She pulled her gloves off by the fingers and slipped them into her right coat pocket.

She extended her dainty left hand on a limp wrist for him to admire, flaunting the tastefully large diamond on her ring finger.  Her polished, perfectly manicured nails were painted candy red to match her smiling lips.

He nodded, duly impressed.  

“How long have you been married?” he asked.

“Almost two years now.  He’s the most caring, thoughtful, brilliant man I’ve ever met!”
Her cheeks blushed and her blue eyes sparkled as she beamed happily.

“Sounds like you’re really in love,” he grinned.
“I am,” she sighed.
Whoever her husband was Josh hoped that he knew just how lucky a man he was.

“What does your husband do?”

“He’s a plastic surgeon.  Dr. Lorenzo Scarpelli at Arbor Hospital,” she told him proudly.    

“I’ve gotten so used to being called Mrs. Scarpelli that you threw me off for a second when you said my maiden name.”

“Do you have any children?” he asked.

“No children.  Not unless you count our Golden Retriever Jack who we spoil like a baby.  Our jobs have kept us way too busy to even think about having kids yet,” she continued.

So his old high school crush married a plastic surgeon.

Of course she did.

She was every bit a doctor’s wife from her salon-styled hair to her designer bag and polished lambskin coat.  She was far more than just a hot blonde trophy wife, though.  Josh knew that Carrie was intelligent enough to be a physician’s spouse.  She had the beauty to attract a doctor and the brains to satisfy his intellect.  She had obviously become a sophisticated, confident career woman in her own right.  He was sure that she had no difficulty fitting into the elite society of the best and brightest.  He was also sure it was not pure chance that she became a pharmaceutical sales representative and just happened to meet a highly-paid doctor who she then fell in love with and married.

But, who could blame her for doing well for herself when she clearly had what it took to do so?  She could make it on her own no doubt, but marrying a wealthy husband certainly had to make her life a bit more comfortable.  Now she worked because she wanted to, not because she had to, doing something that she probably enjoyed. 

Some people might be jealous or hate her for her success, but Josh couldn’t be happier for her.

“Being a surgeon’s wife is not as glamorous as people seem to believe,” she commented, almost as if she could read his thoughts.

“Enzo works really long hours and he is on call a lot.  With me having a busy career too, it’s a daily challenge for us to spend time together.  We are committed to each other though.  And we hope to have kids someday.”

She picked up her bags as the line crept forward again.  

Carrie was up next, and for once Josh wished the line had moved a little slower.  He had no illusions about why she was being so friendly with him.  She was a captive audience.  Once she had her drink she would vanish into the night, never to be seen again.

“So, did you go to the ten year high school class reunion?” he asked, somewhat desperate to keep the conversation going.

“No.  That was right around the time I was starting my job with Pfizer and I couldn’t take the time off,” she explained.

“I have kept in touch with most my friends anyhow, so it wasn’t a big deal to me if I went or not.  How about you?  Did you go?”

“No,” he shook his head.

“There would have only been a handful of people there I would like to see.  Honestly Carrie, I was glad to get out of high school.  I never missed it for a second.  I enjoyed college and grad school way more.”

“I totally agree,” she commiserated.  

“I was so done with all the teenage drama by the time we graduated.”

He was somewhat surprised to hear her say that.  He figured someone at the top of the social pyramid like Carrie would be more nostalgic about high school.  But, then again, she had bigger and better things ahead of her.  Her glory days were not in high school.  She was in the glorious prime of her life now.

“So, do you keep in contact with Rod Kaiser?” he asked pointedly after a momentary pause.

“Rod?  Not really.  It’s probably been ten years since I talked to him,” she answered.

“You know he’s a weatherman now on Channel 10 News.  It’s kind of neat seeing someone you know on TV like that.  He’s really become a bit of a local celebrity,” Josh elaborated.

“Yeah.  I hope being famous hasn’t gone to his head too much,” she grinned.

“I’m sure he can handle it,” Josh commented.

“He was always a good guy.”

Rod Kaiser was one of the most popular guys in their class.  He played football and basketball.  He was vice president of student council and performed in school theater productions.  Despite his social status, he never acted like a conceited jerk the way most of the jocks did.  He was always friendly and Josh considered him to be a buddy.  The only thing Josh was ever jealous of Rod for was his close relationship to Carrie.

“You dated him for a while didn’t you?” he probed her.

“Me?  Date Rod?” she exclaimed, giggling girlishly.

“Oh my god!  No!  I may as well have been his sister the way he acted around me!”

“No kidding,” Josh replied, more than a little surprised.

“You and Rod were homecoming king and queen, and it seemed like you guys were always together, so I assumed you were a couple.”

“Nope!  He was on student council with me so we hung out a lot, but we were always just friends,” she asserted.

“Rod had a crush on Mary Sternopolis the whole time we were in high school, but she was completely clueless that he liked her and she dated Brad Meyer instead.”

The irony of that situation was especially meaningful to Josh at the moment as he suddenly found himself puzzled.

“So now I’m curious, Carrie.  If you weren’t dating Rod, who did you go to prom with then?” he interrogated her further.

I didn’t go to prom,” she stated bluntly.

“What?!!” he stammered.

“Why not?”

“Nobody asked me to go with them,” she shrugged.

“No way!  Wow!  That’s hard to believe!” he exclaimed.

“Yeah.  Maybe other people thought I was dating Rod too.  I don’t know,” she speculated, tossing her hair carelessly.

Josh was completely blown away.  The shocking revelation rocked his perception of her.  He assumed guys in school asked her out on dates constantly, but apparently everyone else was just as intimidated by her as he was.  Maybe it wasn’t always a good thing to be a super hot chick.

“Who did you take to prom, Josh?”

He was so flabbergasted it took him a second to realize she was asking him a question.

“Me?  Oh.  Uh.  I didn’t go either,” he confessed without going into further detail.  

Apparently she never noticed his absence from school dances.

“Really?  Well what the heck, Josh!  You should have asked me!  I bet we would have had a good time together!” she teased, batting him on the arm.

“Yeah.  Right,” he grinned sheepishly, hoping that he wasn’t blushing.

She was not mocking him.  She was entirely being facetious.  He knew there was a snowball’s chance in hell that she would have actually said yes to him back then.  However, for a few seconds his imagination reeled at the prospect that she might have went to prom with him!  If only he had asked her!  Even if it was merely to escort her to the dance he would have been thrilled beyond belief to spend an evening with Carrie!   

“Can I help the next person in line?” a voice called, interrupting their conversation.

A fresh-faced young girl with dishwater blonde hair pulled into a ponytail behind her Tim Hortons visor leaned over the cash register, peering their way.   

“Oh!  That’s me!” Carrie exclaimed anxiously, spinning around to find the space before her open.

She clip-clopped up to the counter.

“What can we make fresh for you this evening?” the cashier asked in a chipper tone.

“I’ll have a French vanilla cappuccino please,” Carrie ordered.

Carrie’s last comment instilled Josh with a sense of bravado and he decided to act on it.  He stepped close beside her.

“And I’ll have a medium coffee, with two creams and three sugars,” he said.

“Are you folks together?” the cashier questioned, glancing at him.

“No!” Carrie began.

“We’re not together,” he interjected smoothly, finishing her sentence.

“But I will pay for the lady’s drink.”

“You don’t need to do that Josh!” she insisted sharply, giving him a discouraging look over her collar.

“I know.  But, it will be my pleasure,” he told her.

“I’ve really enjoyed talking to you, Carrie.  Consider it a thank you.”

It occurred to him that countless men had probably offered to buy her a drink through the years in an effort to hit on her.  While his gesture was not completely innocent of such flirtation, his harmless demeanor convinced her that his intentions were honorable.

“Well, OK.  But, only because you’re such a nice guy!” she conceded gingerly.

He understood her well.  She would allow him to buy her drink because she was not interested in him in the slightest, which of course, was appropriate.  In the past being called “a nice guy” by an attractive woman who then rejected him used to be very frustrating.  Now that he was married to a good woman who appreciated his benign disposition, the label no longer troubled him.

“So, your orders are together then?” the cashier clarified, looking slightly bewildered.

They both nodded yes.

“Alright.  I have a French vanilla cappuccino and a House Blend coffee with two creams and three sugars.  Anything else?”

“No, thank you,” Carrie shook her head.

“That will be all,” Josh said, whipping out his wallet.

“Your total is five seventy-six, please,” the girl told them.

He handed her six dollars and returned his billfold to his back left pocket.

Carrie sashayed further down the counter to wait for their drinks while he paid.  He noticed her sliding the cuff of her white blouse back from her left wrist to check the time on a slender silver watch.

“Twenty-four cents is your change,” the cashier tallied, dropping the coins into his hand.

“And here’s your receipt!”

“Thanks,” he muttered absently as he rushed onward, eager to catch up with his lovely companion for fear that she might grab her drink and ditch him without saying goodbye.  

“So.  Who are you Christmas shopping for tonight?” Carrie asked him, tugging the sleeve of her coat into place as he joined her.

“Oh, just Sharon,” he sighed, stuffing the change into his pants pocket.

“She pretty much takes care of the kids, so I really only have to shop for her.”

“What are you going to get her?” Carrie asked.

“Honestly, I don’t have the slightest clue!” he chuckled haplessly.  

“Got any ideas what to get a wife who won’t tell you what she wants?”

“Hmmm…” she intoned, cocking her head thoughtfully.

“How about a new coat?”

She slipped her left hand snug into the pocket of her own fabulous coat.

“Actually, I would love to buy Sharon a leather coat like yours!” he explained impulsively.

“She would look great in it!  But, she would never wear it.  It’s way too showy for her.  She’s very... practical.”

“So you’re saying she’s a dedicated mom who rocks a hooded parka from JCPenney whether she’s grocery shopping with the kids, or out for a candlelight dinner with you?” Carrie quipped astutely.

“You got it.  Accessorized with a pair of knit gloves and nylon boots,” he grumbled, unable to hide his frustration.

He had never divulged his taste for leather to anyone before, but since Carrie literally embodied his fantasy in every way he thought she might somehow understand.  And indeed, her canny blue eyes glittered at him with what appeared to be empathy.  Or was it pity?  Was it wrong to disparage his wife’s style in front of such an elegant fashionista?  Sharon was an attractive woman and she always dressed respectably well; just not very exciting.  Maybe it was selfish or perverse to wish he could impose his fetish on her, but he couldn’t help it.

“What about a leather parka?” Carrie suggested vivaciously.

“A leather parka?” he repeated.

“Yeah!  I have one that’s made out of lambskin with a quilted lining and a fur-trimmed hood.  It’s just as warm as any of my other winter coats and keeps me nice and cozy when its really cold out.  They sell them at Wilson’s and Macy’s.  It might be a way give her something practical that looks really good on her too.”

Josh’s proclivity was always so focused on buttoned-up leather coats that were far too formal for Sharon that he had never considered anything else.  Could a zippered leather parka possibly lure her away from dowdy quilted polyester to something more sleek and sophisticated?  Cinched at a drawstring waist it would certainly flatter her figure.  She could be warm and polished without being too fancy. 

“That’s a brilliant idea, Carrie!  She just might wear one of those!” he exclaimed, excited at the prospect of getting his wife into some leather.


“Sure,” Carrie replied with a dazzling smile.

She sat her shopping bags down again and snatched her gloves from her coat pocket.

“But, you also have to remember the foolproof backup plan.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

“Diamonds!” she proclaimed exuberantly.

Fine, buttery lambskin stretched over her elegantly splayed fingers as she pulled her gloves back on.

“You can never go wrong giving a woman a diamond!”

She waved her glossy right hand at him to emphasize her statement, letting it fall on a limp wrist.

“Yeah.  Right.  Got it!” he laughed.

Another young woman snapped lids on two paper cups and placed them on the counter in front of them.

“A French vanilla cappuccino and a House Blend coffee!” she announced.  

“That’s us!” Carrie chirped.

She slung her purse onto her shoulder with the loudest creaking of leather she had produced yet and picked up her bags.

Josh stepped forward and grabbed both of their drinks.

“Here you go,” he said, handing Carrie her cappuccino.

“Thank you!” she responded as she accepted the cup from him, her leather fingers brushing lightly against the back of his hand.  

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds as they moved away from the counter into the dining area.  He really wanted to hang out with her some more, but there was no reason for her to stick around any longer.  

Then, by pure random chance a person stood up from the table just ahead of them and left.

“Hey!  How about that?” Josh exclaimed.  

“There’s a table open!  Do you want to sit down for a minute and enjoy our drinks?”

“Oh,” she reacted, torn between tactfully returning his kindness and her desire to escape an uncomfortable situation.  

“I’m sorry, Josh!  I really can’t stay!” she winced cutely.

“I’ve still got more shopping to do and I was hoping to get home before Enzo got off work!”

His heart sank with disappointment even though he rationally knew it was for the best.  Sitting alone at a table with a beautiful, married woman who was not his wife was probably not the smartest thing for him to do.

“Oh.  Yeah!  Sure!  That’s cool,” he responded, trying to be nonchalant.

“I should probably get my shopping done too.  Thanks again for the great suggestions!”

“Thank you for the cappuccino!” she reciprocated, raising her cup.

“No problem!” he nodded.

“It’s been great to see you and catch up!”

“Yeah!  Totally!” she agreed glibly.

They both averted their eyes during another momentary silence.  

“Well!  I better get going!” she declared, smacking her bags against her legs lightly.

“I’m so glad to hear that you are doing well, Josh, although I’m not surprised.  I always figured a smart guy like you would be a winner!”

“You haven’t done too shabby yourself,” he grinned, returning the compliment with affected understatement.

“You have a good career and you’re married to a plastic surgeon!  I’d say you’re doing alright!”

She gracefully, but steadily, eased toward the exit as they exchanged pleasantries.  He dashed ahead as she reached the door to push it wide open and held it for her as she swished past.  She acknowledged his chivalry with her radiant smile.

He suspected she had doors held open for her often.

“Well, I hope you and your family have happy holidays!” she exclaimed cheerfully as they paused for a second more in the cold night air.

“Same to you and your husband!” he replied.

He reached out to pat her arm, but barely managed to swipe her leather sleeve with his fingertips as she spun elusively in a shiny swirl of lambskin and swept away with clicking heels.

“Bye!” she lilted over her collar.

“Yeah!  Take care!” he called after her as she walked off without further ado.

“Merry Christmas!”

She never looked back.  

She was a self-assured woman who knew exactly how to carry herself around men.  He would have faltered at more awkward farewells, but she ended the conversation decisively and as sweetly as could be.

Wow!  What a knockout she was!

He stood there stupidly, watching her spectacular leather-coated figure strut down the sidewalk while his coffee burned his fingers through the paper cup.  He was probably in her company only five or ten minutes, but it felt like he had spent all night with her. 

As he lost sight of her in the distance the euphoria of being in her stimulating presence began to fade and he found himself feeling rather frustrated.  A nagging sense of dissatisfaction buzzed in his mind.  And the reason why was obvious.  After all these years he had an opportunity to have a real conversation with Carrie Feltz; the dream girl of his teenage youth.  He finally had his chance to express himself to her... and he didn’t tell her a damn thing!

As he silently cursed his bashful reticence, a restless urge stirred inside of him.  He suddenly felt compelled to tell her what he should have seventeen years ago.  He wanted her to know just how great she was to him; how much he idolized her.  It didn’t matter if it was right or wrong, proper or improper, he needed to vent his feelings to her and if he didn’t hurry he would miss his only opportunity to do so!

It was now or never.

He took off after her, charging through the oncoming people crowding the sidewalk.  She was probably more than a block away already.  He craned his neck as he ducked and weaved between other shoppers, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of her.  If she went into a store he would never find her hidden away among racks of clothing.  

Then he caught sight of her silky platinum hair and polished leather silhouette gleaming like a beacon from afar.  

As he bolted forward he unintentionally bumped shoulders with a large teenage boy in a hooded sweatshirt who was straggling along recklessly with a group of friends.  The unexpected jolt sent his coffee flying out of his hand.  The cup exploded as it hit the ground, splashing his steaming hot beverage onto the pavement. 

“Aw man!  Sorry!  My bad!” the kid stammered in apology while his friends snickered at the accident.  

“It’s alright kid!  Don’t worry about it!  No big deal!” Josh assured him, too frantic in his pursuit to get upset over a spilled drink.  

He lingered only for a split second, bending down to scoop up the crumpled paper cup and tossed it into a nearby trash can as he rushed on his way.  

He spotted Carrie crossing through an open plaza ahead of him.  Breaking into short sprint he swiftly closed the space between them.  

“Carrie!  Wait!  Hang on!” he cried out as he caught up with her.

She glanced back at him with surprise and stopped.  

“Yes, Josh?” she answered.

“What’s the matter?”

“There is something I really need to tell you!” he gasped, breathing hard from his run.

“What is it?” she asked, spinning around to face him.

A lamp post above illuminated her like a spotlight, causing her to beam from head to toe.  She was the paragon of a professional working woman on the go, holding her cappuccino in one gloved hand and her shopping bags in the other.  Her glamorously parted blonde tresses fluttered in the chilly breeze.  Her brilliant blue eyes pierced into him and a strained smile curled her full red lips.  The notched collar of her coat flapped against her cheek, framing the crisp white blouse quivering at her throat.  Gleaming black leather rippled over her slender hourglass curves to her ankles, puckering around the glistening buttons that sealed it close about her.  Another gust of wind caused her coat tails to billow outward, revealing the tall black leather boots and shiny black leather skirt that sheathed her long legs. 

She was utterly sophisticated, supremely intimidating, and absolutely beautiful.

His mouth went completely dry and his throat felt tight as he gathered his nerve.

Her finely arched brows cocked impatiently as he gawked at her a moment too long.  She obviously thought he was making a lame attempt to proposition her and she tried to cut him off.

“I’m sorry Josh.  It’s been nice catching up, but I really need to get going,” she informed him, inching away.

“No!  Carrie!” he cried, catching her supple arm.

“I will probably never see you again!  So if I don’t get this off my chest now I won’t get another chance!”

“OK...” she answered apprehensively.

He let go of her and stepped back.  His fingers were sticky with drops of spilled coffee as he rubbed them together nervously.  He was no longer a mature thirty-six year old man; but a giddy sixteen year old schoolboy struggling to talk to a cute girl.  He felt like he was at the top of a roller coaster and his stomach rose in his throat as he took the plunge.

“I had a huge crush on you in high school, Carrie!” he blurted aloud.

“I thought you were the prettiest girl I had ever seen from the first time I laid eyes on you in tenth grade!  I would have given anything to have gone on a date with you back then!  But, I was so clueless about girls I barely said a word to you, and the only reason you were aware of my existence was because I was such a nerd!”

The words gushed forth as he spilled his guts to her breathlessly.

Needless to say, she was shocked.  Her eyes widened like saucers and her lips parted in an O as she gaped at him in petrified silence.  

“Do you remember talking to me alone in the hallway before our high-school graduation ceremony?” he asked.

She slowly shook her head no with a confused expression as he paused for a second to gasp for air.

“I didn’t expect you to.  And honestly I don’t have any idea what we even talked about.  But, I remember the conversation because it was the only time I ever really talked to you.  I laugh about it to this very day that I spoke to the only girl I ever had a crush on in high school for a whole five minutes right before never seeing her again!”

He let out a wry chuckle.

“Then I run into you tonight by pure chance!  And wow!  Carrie!  You are more gorgeous than ever!  You seriously look like a secret agent from a James Bond movie in that leather coat!”  

Her cheeks blushed scarlet and she averted her eyes beneath thick batting lashes, ducking her head self-consciously into her popped collar.  Her boots scraped on the pavement as she fidgeted uncomfortably.  Taking her cappuccino in her left hand, she reached up to gather her lapels together in her glossy leather fist.

He raised his hands in a reassuring manner.

“I really don’t mean to embarrass you Carrie!  And don’t worry!  I’m not trying to come onto you or anything like that!  I’m a happily married man and I love my wife dearly.  Besides, even if I was trying to flirt with you, you’re still completely out of my league!  Not to mention head-over-heels in love with your husband!” he laughed with self-deprecating humor.

The tense expression on her knitted brow smoothed a little with relief.

“I realize that none of this means anything to you.  But, for whatever it's worth, I just wanted you to know that someone you never suspected has thought very highly of you for many years.  You’re the total package Carrie; the hot chick with brains!  Congratulations on your successful career and your happy marriage!  I don't know how you managed to stay single for so long, but your husband is one damn lucky guy!”

He exhaled as he finished his heartfelt monologue.  All of his pent up ardor was expelled.  His pulse throbbed and he swooned a bit; drunk with rushing emotion.  As cold as it was, his brow was actually damp with sweat.  His whole body tingled, numb with exhilaration. 

Carrie gaped at him silently, too stunned to speak.  He couldn’t tell if she was simply overwhelmed, humiliated, or horrified, but the perplexity in her eyes made him feel guilty for harassing her.

As he looked away he became aware of people glancing at the two of them as they passed by.  He had essentially been oblivious to anyone else but Carrie for the past fifteen minutes, and he undoubtedly made a bit of a spectacle of himself as he chased after the lovely lady and professed his admiration for her publicly.  

He had never done anything so reckless before in his life.  His stomach churned as he considered the potential consequences.  What if somebody he knew overheard him and told his wife they had seen him out with another woman?  If Sharon ever found out what he said to Carrie she would be so upset she probably wouldn’t speak to him for a month!  Not to mention that Carrie’s husband would probably want to punch him in the mouth! 

And yet, for better or for worse, Josh did not regret speaking his mind to Carrie.  If anything, his conscience felt strangely clear; as if he had made a confession long overdue.  

He was satisfied.

“Well.  Now that I’ve made a complete fool out of myself, I won’t hold you up any longer,” he said in parting, glancing at her respectfully.  

“I wish you all the best in life Carrie.  You deserve it.”

He did not expect her to respond to him with anything but unspoken, mortified exasperation.  He gave her an awkward wave and began to turn away.

“Good night.”

Her boots clip-clopped with agitation behind him.

“Wait Josh!” she cried softly.

His heart leaped at the sound of her voice.  He halted and spun back around, peering at her with wonder.  

Incredibly, she did not glare with contempt or indignation.  She actually smiled at him with her lips closed and brows lifted, the warm expression on her face wavering between somewhere between humility and gratitude.  

“Wow!  I was totally not prepared for that!” she stammered as she recovered her composure.

“I… I really don’t know what to say except... thank you!”

He could hardly believe it, but she actually seemed to appreciate his sincerity!  

“I had no idea you had a crush on me, but I’m really flattered!  I don’t think anyone has ever given me such a big ego boost before!” she simpered, pressing her right hand to her breast.

“I meant every word of it,” he affirmed.

“I just thought you should know.”

She stepped toward him, tossing her hair and giving him a thoughtful look.  

“It’s funny.  When I was in college and living in New York I believed the old cliché that ‘nice guys finish last’.  I rejected a lot of great guys that treated me really well because I thought they were too desperate or too needy.  Instead, I went for the jocks, the players, the hotshot executives, and wasted a lot of time dating some real jerks,” she told him.

She hesitated for a moment before continuing.

“You wonder how I stayed single for so long?  Well, I almost married a guy eight years ago.  He was an investment banker who drove a porsche and treated me like a movie star.  I thought we were the perfect couple... until I caught him in bed with another woman the day before our wedding!” 

She stared into the distance with shadowed eyes as the painful memory creased her visage with hurt.  Her fingers twisted the top button of her coat so taut he could hear her leather creaking. 

“Turns out he was a notorious womanizer.  And everybody knew it… everybody except me.  Needless to say, it took me a long time to trust anyone again after that.”  

She spoke softly as she confided her folly to him, lowering her lips within the privacy of her collar.  A hint of insecurity he would have never guessed previously flickered in her eyes.  He was getting a glimpse of the real woman inside her sleek exterior and he felt honored that she shared something so personal with him.

Josh pictured the suave, cocky dickhead in an Armani suit who betrayed her.  He was the type of guy beautiful women flocked to although he treated them like shit.  Josh instinctively wanted the knock the asshole out for deceiving Carrie.  It baffled him how anyone could mistreat a woman like her.

“When I met Enzo I still wasn’t interested in dating anyone and I actually turned him down the first time he asked me out,” she giggled ironically.

“I thought he was just another arrogant doctor, but he proved me wrong.  We soon became friends and things just kind of happened naturally from there.  I couldn't ask for a more understanding partner.”

“Your lover should be your best friend.  It sounds like you two were meant to be,” Josh observed.

“Yeah.  I feel very blessed to be with him,” she nodded.

“But, sometimes I wonder... if I had given a nice guy like you a chance way back when... maybe I would have been happy a long time ago.”

She regarded him with an aspect of genuine wistful regret.  She was a woman who had it all, and even she wondered if her life might have been better if she made different choices.  

Her candor provoked his fancy.  

He cleared his throat.

“So, Carrie, I have a question for you,” he prompted in a suggestive tone.

“What’s that?” she replied, perking up.

“If we had it to do all over again, and it was the week before our senior prom and you still didn’t have a date; what would you say if I asked you to go with me?” he proposed with jovial gravity.

Her red lips curled in a playful smirk.

“Hmm…” she deliberated, cutely tapping a leather finger to her chin.

“I think I would definitely say… maybe!”

She burst into a lighthearted laugh.  

“That’s an honest answer.  I’ll take it!” he laughed along with her.

He really couldn’t expect her to tell him anything more and he respected that she didn’t patronize him with some fake, saccharine pretense.

“By the way, Josh, what happened to your coffee?” she asked curiously.

“Oh yeah.  I had a little accident.  I was so excited to catch up with you I bumped into someone and spilled it all over the sidewalk,” he explained with a grin.

“Oh no!  After you spent all that time standing in line!” she exclaimed sympathetically.

“It’s alright,” he shrugged.

“Getting a chance to finally talk to you was well worth the wait.”

She blushed radiantly.  Her megawatt smile lit his very soul.  

A comfortable silence pervaded between them.

There was nothing more to say.

He needed to go and so did she.

He stood rigid with his arms at his sides, not sure how to bid her an appropriate farewell.  The air between them was a bit too charged to give her a friendly hug.  It would be difficult for him not to hold her too long or too tight.  However, a simple handshake seemed a bit too formal after the feelings they had exchanged.

She resolved his dilemma for him.  

She glided next to him and gently clasped the back of his right hand in an elegant gesture of kindness and congeniality.  Her cool, buttery leather grasp thrilled him with more restrained ecstasy than he could ever dare admit.

“Thank you for being so sweet,” she said graciously.  

“Thank you for understanding,” he answered earnestly.

She let go of him and backed away.

“Goodbye Josh,” she lilted softly.

“Take care of yourself Carrie,” he crooned, slipping his hands into his pants pockets.

She turned, buttons flashing along her splendid leather-coated figure.  Her dazzling smile vanished behind a wave of burnished blonde hair.  Supple black lambskin shifted back and forth over her svelte silhouette as she sashayed on her way, her boots clicking confidently as she went.  

The sight of her mesmerized him completely until she disappeared into the night.

Josh never got one sip of coffee, but he felt very refreshed.  His visit with Carrie encouraged him in more ways than one.  The task of shopping for his wife no longer seemed so daunting.  His spirits were bright as he headed toward Wilson’s Leather to buy Sharon a leather parka.  

He smiled to himself.  He doubted that Carrie would ever think about him again.  But, he would certainly never forget his reunion with the impossible dream.

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