Leather Coat Daydreams

Stories about ladies in leather coats

The Cameo of Aveline

Spellbound with a Kiss


Lady out of Time stories

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Agnes in Manhattan

For some reason she truly enjoyed venturing out among the common people.  It even gave her pleasure to associate with them when she became bored.  Presently it had been several months since she had experienced anything more droll than a Viennese opera or a hot nightclub in Amsterdam.
Perhaps the masses intrigued her because she had once been “common” herself long, long ago.  The memory was so distant that it was less of a recollection than something she simply knew to be true about her past.
Of course, there had been nothing common about Agnes in quite some ages.  Even among the thousands of anonymous, faceless people that surrounded her now, she was quite extraordinary.  She was a tall, elegant silhouette in sleek black leather.
A posh wide-brimmed hat made of glossy black leather was cocked at a jaunty angle on her brow.  Her head and neck were wrapped entirely in a scarf of shimmering ebony silk traced with gold thread.  Not a single strand of her blond hair could be seen.  Only the pale oval of her face remained exposed.  The ends of the scarf were tucked neatly inside the collar of her white blouse that stuck out stiff and tall about her throat. 

The collar of her leather coat was turned up around her neck.  The down-sloping edge of her hat overlapped the high-standing collar so that her face was clearly visible only from the front.  From a profile or from behind the collar of her coat and the broad hat purposely shielded her face from wind, rain, or unwanted view.
The pointed lapels of her coat tapered in acutely to fasten above her breasts.  The glistening second button of her blouse centered neatly within the notch between them.  Seven buttons sealed her coat in a long glittering row down the front.  Each button puckered the soft leather into shiny, shifting ripples that extended outward to her prominent curves.
Her plush coat was quite warm and yet finely tailored to flatter her hourglass figure.  The leather molded in gleaming smoothness over the roundness of her breasts and hips.  The back belt gathered the waist inward and caused the leather to crease this way and that about her torso.
Endless panels of liquid lambskin flowed around her long legs.  The rear gusset was so generous that she could stride easily with the walking vent completely buttoned.
Her shiny leather boots flashed in and out beneath the hem of her coat.  Her step bounced with the confidence of a runway model and she clicked her heels loudly.  Her hands were snug in their leather gloves, but she kept them buried deep in her cashmere lined coat pockets as she set out along the city sidewalks.
A blouse, skirt, and leather coat; this was Agnes’ signature look.  She had worn some variation of this outfit almost daily for many years.  She had strolled along the city streets of Stockholm, Casablanca, and Istanbul dressed in the same timeless apparel.
The simplicity of it appealed to her greatly.  In years past, fashion had dictated that Agnes be trussed up in clothes that were intolerably restrictive, pinching, and bothersome.  Her modern clothes were extremely comfortable, providing her luxurious warmth while showcasing her beauty with effortless refinement.
At a glance, she was a svelte feminine figure sculpted entirely of shiny black leather.  Even the pristine white collar of her blouse melded within the bright highlights reflected from her lustrous leather coat.

1 comment:

  1. How good to have you back! I missed Agnes and Cuirboulli so much ...
