Leather Coat Daydreams

Stories about ladies in leather coats

The Cameo of Aveline

Spellbound with a Kiss


Lady out of Time stories

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Spellbound with a Kiss is now posted on Leather Coat Daydreams

ANNOUNCEMENT: I have closed the separate blog devoted to this story due to inactivity on the page.  If you have not read this story and you are a fan of Leather Coat Daydreams you will most likely enjoy it and I invite you to comment on my amateur writing.  I re-post the original introduction to the story below.

The following is an excerpt from a story I have worked on steadily for the past couple years.  It is nearly finished with only a few gaps to be completed before I publish the second half.  The female lead character is a seemingly wholesome, snobbish New England housewife who tends to run her errands in a long, black leather coat.  She is the boss's wife to a young man who is infatuated by her sophisticated beauty.  But, nobody would ever guess the decadent motive buttoned inside Mrs. Harper's demure bosom.  

Cassandra’s leather coat creaked tensely over her firm breasts as she inhaled a deep breath and let out another long sigh.  She felt a little more secure buttoned up inside of her long leather coat and at the moment she relished the luxurious warmth of it more than ever.  If it helped her shake off the nervous chill that froze her to the bone she would gladly keep herself bundled up in the coat for the rest of the weekend.

She was extremely anxious about her husband leaving for Europe that evening.  She usually did not mind when he travelled.  He went on many business trips through the years, and, truthfully, she very much enjoyed having the house all to herself while he was gone.  The present situation was different, though.

Cassandra’s life was due to change on their twenty-second wedding anniversary and Marvin flying four thousand miles away less than a month before left her in an uncomfortably vulnerable position.  She dared not tell him why, but it was absolutely vital for Marvin to be with her on the night of their anniversary.  If anything happened to delay his return home by that date he would fail her unforgivably.  Many years of careful planning would be ruined and she would be forced to take drastic measures disturbing for her to even consider.

She complained about the timing of the trip for weeks and pleaded with him to send someone else in his place.  But, Marvin was a typical man.  He dismissed her needs as trivial and stubbornly insisted that he had to go because “he was the only man who could do the job”.

Of course, she realized that she worried herself needlessly and she tried to convince herself that all would be well.  Marvin would return home to her safely just as he had so many times before.  He would provide her what she deserved on their anniversary and her life would go on same as it always had.

Her cashmere-lined leather gloves squeaked softly as she pulled them onto her hands and tucked them neatly into her cuffs.  She glided around the love seat in the middle of the room to an alcove set within the bookshelves of the facing wall.  An antique oak wood chest occupied the nook with a broom, a cauldron, and a witch hat arranged in a classic Halloween display upon the lid.  

A canvas print of an old Dutch painting hung above the trunk.  It was one of Cassandra’s favorites and depicted a dashing officer clad in breastplate, sword, and tall boots bowing gallantly before a lady in a white silk dress.  Cassandra long fancied such a gentleman greeting her in similar fashion.  If Nathaniel at all resembled the cavalier in the painting going to the party would be well worth her while.  She smiled wistfully to herself at the pleasant, but unlikely notion.

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