Leather Coat Daydreams

Stories about ladies in leather coats

The Cameo of Aveline

Spellbound with a Kiss


Lady out of Time stories

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Checking in

Hello to all who follow this blog page.  I hope you find something meaningful here.  Blog pages are rapidly becoming an antiquated means of self-expression on the Internet, but I am content to keep this quiet little page going.  If blogging is meant to be a means of demonstrating one's passion for something then this page serves that purpose for me.  The Internet is a cold, lonely place to interact with people, or seek responses.  But, it is an avenue for bringing like-minded people together.  The stats for this web page indicate a small, but steady following of viewers.  I see the photos I share here posted on other sites like Flickr.  So I know that I am reaching people out there.

Bottom line is; I would collect the pictures I post and write the stories I publish whether anyone ever saw them or not- so I continue to do so.  Be well folks and continue to daydream...


  1. Keep up the wonderful work, Cuirbouilli. I've been following you since the Yahoo groups. Cheers!

  2. Loverly really appreciate this blog thanks.

  3. Please keep this side on going and alive.
    I‘m also following your you since that yahoo groups time and I‘m sure there are much more connoisseurs like me.
    Thank you very much for all this years of passion.
    BTW: Countess Agnes Charnock was my all time favorite. Wonderful glamorous story‘s full of noble elegance.

  4. I agree with the previous comments... Thank you for all you do and taking the time to post these wonderful pictures and stories!

  5. Keep doing this, I would check it in every day!

  6. This is a nice website with some great images of wonderful women. The stories are also very well written, and modern. I have always been impressed with this website. Thanks!
